The Key Elements of "Ocean at the End of the Lane" by Neil Gaiman
Ocean at the End of the Lane was easily one of my favorite books that I've read so far this semester. The grim but gripping writing style flavored this book differently than most, who prefer to keep violence and gore tamely described. It was something I didn't enjoy in the moment, as I could be found often audibly yelling my disgust when reading some of the more gory passages, and yet I wouldn't dare turn my eyes away. I found that every gruesome detail made the experience seem all the more real. The author, Neil Gaiman, spoke extensively in an interview on what creates genre. He describes genre through elements that he says the reader would feel cheated without. With Ocean at the End of the Lane as my window into the genre of contemporary urban fantasy, I might be able to gather some of it's key elements. Part of what I noticed most about fantasy in general is that it doesn't always try to get you to escape reality, but help you understand it. Many of these s...